Monday, June 16, 2014

EKITI ELECTION: One Rice; One Vote. Ko'de kan aye!

Yes oh! Oju o timi jare! I'm not ashamed. Give me rice and get my vote and voice.

That's just the way it's or perhaps that's the way it has been and it would remain so as much as penury, ignorance, stupidity and mumuism remain the commonest things you would readily find amongst the Ekiti populace.

Worst of all it doesn't seems to matter that this rice has been speculated to have expired since 2006. Sadly enough Ko kan aye! No be today we don dey chop am! Everything that we have always been priviledge to get via democracy has been expired. Like the ominipresent expired politicians, expired promises, expired security and of recent expired immigration job.

So after this rice I will tarry for another 4 long years of ineptitude, subjugation and mismanagement pending when the next trailer of rice would hit my street.

Hey! Don't blame o. I have always being a leaner a this while, wailing and advocating and the more I shout, the dimmer my hopes become. I can't help it and you can't either - infact we can't. So lets manage this rice and pretend it's not the forerunner of a government of I chop: some chop and the people watch


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