An X-ray Of Our Messiah BUHARI, And Their Messiah BEN CARSON
Yesterday, I again grazed hungrily through Gifted Hands; the autobiography that etched out the extraordinary life of pediatric neurologist: Dr Benjamin Carson, one of modern premium life-givers in surgical mask.
When Barbara Walter wrote ''He works miracles on children others have written off as hopeless'' She wasnt an inch away from the actuality. The hand of Ben Carson unearth possibilities, his words exude the trappings of hope and his face alone speaks life to the ordinary Americans walking in tight-choking emotion down the corridors of John Hopkins Hospital and beyond.
Dr Carson like Gen Muhammadu Buhari are two perceived messiahs. Planted in different climes, nurtured by opposing circumstances and distinct by all measurable characteristics. One of them, however is a professioonally trained care giver, and the other a mechanically groomed life-taker. The first gives hope to the vulnerables of the society through counsel and surgery. But the other undertakes same through decrees and the cold nose of guns. And just recently inflammatory metalepsis.
Today a sizeable and still growing section of Americans are praying; going head over heels, for a Dr Ben Carson presidency for the United State. Dr Carson, more than any prospective conservative presidential aspirant cuts an unconventional figure with a touch of godly allure, such only reserved for the pews. Quite like our Buhari in the eyes of a few.
But then, beyond the inreconcilable gulf in principle and disposition that divide both Messiahs, there is another. For instance in Nigeria, the very things that seems right or appear sane or even being appluaded by celebrated intellectuals always turn out to be the very opposite to what is obtainable in the dictionaries of the world. An example of a word that carries an uncommon meaning across the Atlantic is 'Change' And thats the fulcrum on which Buhari's ideology takes it balance.
According to HUFFPOST. here is what some Americans think of their Messiah.
"He is not a politician. He is not in it for himself. He is in it for the country. You can just feel that about him. That he loves us," said Joyce Clark, an Alabama organizer for the committee that's encouraging Carson to run. "I feel he is telling the truth, which I feel is rare right now. I pretty much hear people open their mouth and expect it not to be true. But when he speaks, I believe him. He is one of the most inspiring figures we've ever seen."
How many Nigerians even those in the rank of the APC and their many foot soldiers feels half this same way about Muhammed Buhari? Often, it feels like an overwhelming percentage of the clamour for Buhari is a forced and partially-exisistent desire catalysed simply by an unbridled hatred for President Jonathan, Southerners and Christians. For some excusable few the sing-song for Buhari is a half-justified disdain for the prevailing scheme of things of the nation.
Another man, the late Dr. John Freeman, a Johns Hopkins pediatric neurologist, wrote in his memor:
"Many of the patients came to Hopkins because of Ben's reputation, which was very well deserved. He is one of the very few individuals that I can honestly say 'walks on water.''
Sincerely how many politicians defected to the APC exclusively for the undaunting incorruptibility of Buhari? One? Two or none?
Dr Ben Carson stands on the frontrow amongst the major critics of President Obama health reform. But he didn't stop there with recycled criticism. As a medical expert, he designed a Washington style health system that revert to the commom Americans the liberty to define their own lifes and living rather than leaving the scheme in the Technocratic and manipulative fold of Obamacare.
However Muhammadu Buhari as a military tyrant we would assume possess some technicalities and stratagem on how to curb the insurgency ravaging his kiths and kins in north east. Till this moment and still counting, there are no accessable documentations credited to Buhari that itemize praticable mechanism on how to savage the insecurity problem in Nigeria. But then he would not halt his never-ending flow of criticism against the effort of President Jonathan.
The messiah Buhari when juxetaposed with messiah Ben becomes a far cry from what is expected of a Redeemer. In fact, his opinions as inconsistent as they come has wretched more harm than good to the ordinary people. There is no record of philantropic gesture credited to his name. Not even to his own - the Almajiaris and neither has he ever engaged in any nationalistic or civil right movement. Until few months ago, Buhari was reported to have last attend the Council of State meeting three years ago. Indeed this messiah of ours loves the status and detest the people.
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