Mario Balotelli and the Royal kiss| O. Valentine
I had to examine a handful of probable phrase or sentence that better encapisulate this write-up before I settled for the above, which in my opinion is still very much unsatisfactory.
Mario is a clown! Crazy and overly controversial. An unarguable fact that is, and those blatant theatrics --words and manners that emanates from his notorious Italian idosy seems to be beating public expectation whenever it unearth itselfSuffice to endear, some have admonished his penchant as "ugly!" Others had rather recommended/worshiped his inclination to exhibit --oftentimes, odd but invariably good humour where non probably existed before.
By and by Super Mario Balotelli always call the attention without having the leverage of dictating the consequences that follows.
As much as you are apparently pondering so am I on what ought to be the appropriate aftermath of Balotelli's failed enterprise yesterday to rekindle the Three Lions hope by scoring and of course beating the Costa Ricans. Unfortunately Mr Balotelli was unable to register a goal amdist a handful of opportunity and eventually lost the match to the utter detriment of the English team and amusingly maybe also the English monarchy.
Publicly stating a certain desire for royal romance. .oh! Courtesy, I assume is obviously not common place, neither is it a crime after all. However the thought of holding the anxiety of an entire Isle to the ransome of a kiss from the Queen and ultimately ended up losing a clear cut chance to fulfill that not-so-much-of-a-promise is not a thing to grin about.
Definitely many would consider it absolutely lame and puerile if any response comes from the majesty but don't you think Mario Balotelli deserve some retribution of some sorth? Perhaps to forestall furture nuisance and gamble with reverences of the British aristocrats. In any case maybe those ordinary radical English fans have a thing or two in mind already. But I refuse to believe this prevailing silence would the be an appropriate ending.
Interesting If Arsenal manager: Arsene Wenger has ever been serious this year, Mr Balo may be in London sooner than expected and the thought of the English majority to overlooking his unacceptable smirk at the sensibilities of many ardent World Cup followers may refuse to go south.
Super Mario should be wacked real hard! :-(